Friday, October 11, 2013

Doing Our Part

One of the (many) things I admire about our church is the opportunity we have to clean the building together as a family twice a year.  We are all assigned a particular time/day and we are always happy to do our small part.  Maybe it's the fact that my Mother has spent 15+ years working as a facilities maintenance manager and has forced me to acquire the passion of caring for our own local ward building?  Either way it's a great time to give back and serve Heavenly Father by cleaning his house.  It also makes for a great family activity.  I didn't realize just how much fun it would be until Addison and Jonas got so excited about it.  It's one of the perks of having little ones - appreciating and enjoying even what is usually a mundane and boring task.  

Addison and Jonas were GREAT helpers.  Brooklyn, not so much - but she is only 4 months old so we will forgive her.  She was at least good about being happy while she waited for us to do our part.  With such happy helpers we were finished in a jiffy!

Addison and Jonas were both running around with these carpet sweeper vacuums and "helping" which means leaving a trail of dirt for me to follow behind and pick up.  Either way it was cute to see how much they enjoyed taking care of Heavenly Father's house.  We are grateful. 
Helping each other wipe up the black marks on the gym floor.