I'm sure it's already been said but I'll say it again. I do NOT enjoy having pictures taken. It's a LOT of work. And no matter how hard I try to prep a happy baby - it doesn't happen. My kids are almost ALWAYS happy! But, seriously, the turn it off the second the professional photographer comes out. Oy. But, goodness gracious she's such a cutie even when she's mad. And thank heaven's my photographer friend is a magician and was able to capture a handful of good shots. I don't like the process of pictures but I do love having them throughout the years to look back on.
This little girly is growing up fast! More so than the others I think. Don't let that first picture deceive you, she's SUCH a happy and mellow little girl. She's the first child of mine that I've heard people say she looks like me. I'll take it! Some DNA transfer somewhere...I'm good with it! She really is a joy and we are learning she has quite the spunky and sassy personality. Take a look for yourself!
This is proof that she made us work VERY hard during this shoot. My poor photographer even offered to come back later in the day in hopes she'd be a bit more happy, easy. It kinda worked. |
She's getting there! A partial smile can still count as a smile right? At this point, we were just glad she wasn't crying or screaming. |
She's humoring us with the sign I think. |
Yay! Alas, a smile! I think we adequately distracted her from the camera enough to remind her that she's usually a happy baby. |
Another partial smile. We'll take it! |
Thankfully, my children are gorgeous even without a smile. Otherwise I'd have some pretty ugly pictures on my hands. ;) |
I'm thinking she's considering an attack on us. Do her brows look furrowed to you too? ;) I must admit, I do like the stone cold stares as well. There are rarely any moments where she isn't cute really. |
A sibling picture! My sweet friend offered to snap a picture of all three siblings and I'm glad she did. I hesitated since they weren't "dressed" for the occasion but honestly, looking back on it now, it doesn't even matter. I love it. And they loved finally getting in front of the camera since they spent most of their time running through the flowers and shrubs. |
So, what is there to say about cute little Miss Brooklyn? She's adorable and has a pretty funny personality to match. She loves to turn when you call her name and just give you the biggest cheesy smile while showing off her teefers. Yes, she still only has two right now but I'm convinced the others will come soon....and probably all at once. She isn't too interested in crawling yet but does love sitting and playing on the floor around friends. Random Brooklyn fact: she has the most adorable little wrist movement when she is holding a toy. I just love watching her. She'll hold it in her right hand, look at it, and then immediately start pivoting her wrist back and forth while looking at the toy. I think I'm just a sucker for watching her cute and chubby fingers and wrist no matter what it is they do. She loves her brother and her sister quite a bit. Addison and Jonas have a lot of one-on-one time where she can let out quite the giggle fit. With Jonas, it's more of a quiet and loving relationship where she just stares at him and he helps her so softly and tenderly. It's fun to watch. She's a pro at sleeping through the night now. Randomly, she'll fuss enough to want her binky but once she has it she's golden. I love sneaking in to peek on her before I go to bed. She has the most hilarious sleep poses and it's so hard to resist the urge to just squeeze her when I see them.
The poor girly did have to get three shots at the doctor. It's always tough to brace them (and myself) for the shots. Especially when she has no clue what's coming and when. I'm not a fan of the silent cry where you keep hoping and waiting for them to take a big breath and start again. Surprisingly, she seemed to recover from her shots pretty quickly once she was done. It totally matches her personality as we see it so far. She can get pretty ticked off pretty quick and squeal or yell or cry but then it's over just like that. That's the spunky side that John and I have observed on quite a few occasions. If I had to guess right now I'd say she has a good mixture of Addison and Jonas' personalities. It will be fun to watch it develop each day.
So, alas, here are her 9 month old stats:
Weight: 20 1/4 lbs 50-75%
Height: 28 1/4 inches 75-90% (she grew 2 inches since January!)
So, as you can see, she's definitely a healthy little chicken nugget. Just the way we like 'em! Gives us more to squeeze and kiss!
Happy 9 Months Old Brooklyn Nicole!