We had a fabulous Easter this year. Part of what made it so exciting was having Grandma Bell join us. She was flying in/out of Arky for a work trip so we were anxious for her return so we could spend the Easter weekend with her. Addison was most excited and seemed to ask multiple times a day how many more days till we got to pick Grandma up from the airport? They are great buddies. She adores her Grandma.
The weekend was a nice blend of relaxation, yard work, and family parties. We finally found some time to put our Garden in and Daddy took off work on Friday to transport all the soil and get it all going. Grandma and I spent our time chasing kids around, fixing the play house, and lending a hand to Daddy here and there. We also got to indulge in a bit of garage-saleing (of course!) and landed ourselves a bargain....a cheap and nice barbecue grill!
We spent Saturday evening hanging out at Grandma & Grandpa Field's house for a family party and Easter egg hunt. It is always fun catching up with family. There are always guaranteed laughs when you get a group of Hufford/Field siblings together. Addison, Jonas, and Brooklyn were in heaven with all the cousins and easter eggs AND candy! Could life get any better?!
TWO Grandmas at the same time! How lucky can one little girly get? We sure do love these ladies!
Jonas and Mommy anxiously awaiting the 'little kiddos Easter Egg hunt". |
Addison showing off her loot. |
It didn't take him long to figure out the process. He was a fan. |
This is where she spent all of her time. She wasn't complaining one bit. |
The Jonas Duo. |
I was looking forward to Sunday most of all. Not just because of the kiddos Easter Eggs basket but also getting the kids all dressed up and matching and enjoying church and focusing on the real meaning of Easter. However, it was not in our plans. Poor Brooklyn had been fighting a cough all weekend and was a trooper through it all. However, by Sunday she was pretty miserable and I was pretty positive she had the beginnings of Croup. Having been through that before with the other kiddos, I knew I didn't want to let it "run it's course" like I usually do with the sickies. So, that left Grandma Bell, myself, and Brooklyn spending our day waiting in a walk-in clinic and looking forward to getting some medication to get Brooklyn some relief and some sleep. We soon found out that 90% of the waiting room consisted of babies coughing with their croupy barking cough. I guess we were part of the "in-crowd" that weekend. Thankfully, the doctor prescribed her an antibiotic and we were on our way to relief.
A sickly little Brooklyn. :( |
Look what the Easter Bunny left! |
We finally made it home in time to meet up with Daddy and the kiddos coming back from church. We ate a quick "Easter Dinner" and had to send Grandma Bell on her way back home. It was sad to see her go (mostly for Addison) but luckily we have plenty of family trips coming up so we will be seeing her plenty this summer.
I'm so grateful for the opportunity we have to reflect on the true meaning of Easter. I love explaining the story of Christ being resurrected after being crucified on the cross. I especially love that Addison knows the story in such detail and is quick to remind everyone she sees that "Easter isn't really about bunnies and easter eggs". She's such a good girly and so is every member of my loving family. I'm thankful Christ was resurrected and in so doing has given us the opportunity to do the same. I'm especially thankful that I get to spend Eternity with my own family. I can't imagine a better group I'd rather spend all my time hanging out with. I love them. I love this gospel. I love Easter.
Alas, I finally got my "Easter Sunday" picture the following week at church. Love these cute kiddos. |
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