What I once thought was impossible has now been acheived. John has taken me out on two motorcycle rides in the last week alone! Amazing right? For those who aren't aware, I've been bugging John for a moto ride for quite awhile. In all fairness, his hesitancy to take me out was solely for my own safety. He's only had the bike for a little over a year and isn't quite comfortable driving it himself, let alone with me on the back. I always joke with him that I will save my "wifely allowance" and even buy my own helmet if he will take me. Of course this persistent begging for a moto ride has been in play for a while. It all dates back to when we were first dating...
It was my first trip to Arky and I begged and begged him for a ride on the bike and he consented. I had the ingenious idea that I would be all romantic and all snuggly-like and hold on tight and sit close the whole time. Apparently, I found out ONLY after we were married, that I was nearly suffocating him and making it difficult to steer. Of course at the time he didn't say anything because he was too nice....apparently marriage changes things eh? Anyway, after I found this out, I laughed and promised him I would never do that again.
So fast forward to last Saturday - The first day of my 2nd ride. It was a beautiful day and we were only going to go down the street until he was confident we wouldn't end up in the ditch. I stayed on my best behavior and apparently impressed him enough for our 2nd ride last night. I love going out on night walks, swims, runs, anything...it's just so peaceful and pretty. Well last night's motorcycle ride was a blast. We ended up going to visit Sarah at the last minute and had a great visit. Here's a pic of the motorcycle and here's to hoping we have many more "rides". I'm going to start begging for a long road trip ride next time...wish me luck! (Oh yeah...and for you motorcycle enthusiasts this one is a Honda VTX 1300...from what I'm told.)