So, I think I've been tagged on this a couple of times via Facebook. However, since I'm desperate for new posts, I'll put it on my blog as well. Enjoy getting to know all about me!
Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits or goals about you.
1. I got married at the ripe old age of 29 years old. 3 months before my 30th. Phew!
2. John was my first kiss. Something I've spent the majority of my life embarassed about but now am grateful for.
3. I can't think of one fun date spanning my whole single life. They've all been painfully awkward. So much so that I was ready to just give up all together. Now, I'm thrilled I no longer have to endure those.
4. My parents divorced when I was 12. At the time I thought it was the worst thing ever. Now it's been the best blessing in my life. It took me YEARS to realize this.
5. I love to travel and spent most of my single years taking exciting trips to Mexico, the Caribbean, Italy, France, London, etc. Before John, my travel buddy was my cousin Jared. John and I still enjoy traveling - most recent trip to the Hookie Lau (Hawaii).
6. I have a VERY close family and I love it most of the time. My cousin has always been one of my best friends.
7. I've always wanted to be a Mother all my life. Now I finally get to. It was worth the wait.
8. I have my Bachelors from University of Missouri in Information Technology, Computer Science, and Business. But John still knows more about computers than I do. I wouldn't have it any other way.
9. I used to work for a college textbook wholesaler for 7 years. Yes, those people that rip you off when you buy/sell your college books. Never thought I'd support that industry but I learned the truth behind the whole process.
10. I'm the most like my Mom than any of my siblings are. Both physically and emotionally. Most of the time I think this is a good thing.
11. I survived college life in Utah for 3 years and managed to do the impossible - come back unmarried!
12. I like to laugh at/with people. I like to people watch.
13. I have a younger brother that was stillborn. I never got to meet him but have always felt close to him.
14. I never liked that I was tall growing up. As a result I have a slouching problem.
15. I'm named after my grandma who I've always adored and felt so close to growing up.
16. I had random pets growing up and loved it. A cow that acted just like a dog, a potbellied pig, chickens, ducks, horses, dogs, cats, a goat, a ferrett, bunnies, a baby opossum, fish.
17. I was voted most shy my senior year in high school and HATED it. I went to college in Utah and was determined to change that about me. I think I did for the most part.
18. I served as RS President in my old singles ward and that helped me become more social/outgoing. However, it's amazing how sometimes I can slip back into my old ways without even knowing it.
19. I don't consider myself shy (never have), but I'm definitely not super out-going.
20. I'm clumsy and trip over my own feet. A lot.
21. John and I met online and dated for 9 months before we got married.
22. I spent most of my single years refusing to date online and trying to get over the "stereotypical" stigma associated with it.
23. Marrying John was the best decision I've ever made in my entire life. It was worth the wait.
24. Our growing little girl will join us on May 17th. She came 4 months before she was planned but we are excited to roll with the punches.
25. I'm a real estate agent. It's the hardest job I've had my entire life but the best one for me and my little family.
Phew, ok I think I'm done now!! :D And I choose to tag whoever wants to fill this out. Hopefully you've learned something about me that you didn't know before!
4 weeks ago
I lived in Utah for quite a long time and had to go to MO to find my hubby!
I liked hearing all your stuff. :)
I have NEVER thought you were shy! You are so cool even without trying.
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