It's official! We've finally finished celebrating Addison's 2nd Halloween! It seems like so much goes into the holiday before it actually happens....ALL of it being fun of course. So what did she dress up as you ask? Just check out this adorability:
Both of these pics are from our last minute Saturday fun. We were lucky enough to get to hang out w/Aunt Josie and cousin David at the Bentonville square and get some more use out of our costumes!
(Thanks Josie for takin' such cute pictures! You can capture that smile so much easier than I can!)
But of course, even as adorable as she was in her Dorothy outfit. It was indeed our "Plan B". Wayyyy back last year, I scored some cute things at the after-Halloween sale. One of them being this C.U.T.E. monster outfit WITH matching tights people!:
We had three chances to Trick or Treat w/friends. We hit up the Rogers downtown festivities and got LOTS of smarties and LOTS of patience as we waited in forever long lines. Then the next day we hit up the Bentonville square and did much better. Far shorter lines and much better candy! Woot! And alas, we enjoyed our first go-round at the ward Trunk or Treat. She spent most of her time parading around the parking lot and having a blast.
This year, Addison definitely seemed to "get it" - at least partially of course. She understood the overall concept:
Step 1: Walk up to the candy giver.
Step 2: Hold out basket.
Step 3: Wait patiently for said candy.
Step 4: Smile & cheese it up for the admirers.
Step 5: Rinse & repeat.
And yes, she had rules for me too.
Rule 1: She wanted to walk UN-assisted!
Rule 2: She wanted to hold her OWN basket.
Rule 3: She did NOT want me to hold even a smidgen of the basket, even when it got heavy from all the candy.
My baby is growing up! sniff. sniff. I agreed to all the rules for the most part but broke a few when it was time to pick up the pace and pick up the child. We had so much fun ringing in the Halloween season. It's definitely true - Holidays are wayyyyy more exciting when you live them through your little kiddo's eyes. And what beatiful eyes they are! Now we get to countdown to Thanksgiving! Loving this season.