Thursday, September 10, 2009

Celebrate Good Times C'mon!!

So, for those of you who enjoyed the hilarity of my last post and the death of the devil fly...I must present to you these pictures:

(Says: Sweet Victory! Devil Fly KIA: 08/11/09)

Apparently John had a few tricks up his sleeve the day I killed the devil fly. As I was basking in my victory that day, he quickly decided to dedicate a t-shirt to the momentous event. I had no clue...even still as he was asking me what my favorite number was (so he could put it on the back of the shirt), I still remained clueless. Fortunately, all the pieces fell into place a few days later when I opened the mysterious package in the mail and saw this shirt. Hoorah! Death to all flies everywhere! My new life mission. And now I have a jersey to wear on my voyage. :D

Now you will all believe me when I say that killing the devil fly was quite a momentous occasion in our household. And now I have the t-shirt to prove it!