Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Preschool Princess

Well, it's official now.  Addison is into her second full week of preschool.  It took a bit of transition for her and I but I think we both love it now.  

The first day was a special one since Daddy got to come with us and drop her off.  He couldn't stay long but it was fun to have our little family there to share in her big day.  

We got to help her with her new morning routine.  Come in and hang her book bag on her own little hook.  Wash her hands.  Pick out a toy bin and sit on the carpet to play.  She didn't have a hard time doing any of this as long as I was by her side.  However, I noticed I was the only lingering parent so I decided it was time to detach and make our exit.  She was a little sad at first but I knew she'd be okay after a few minutes.  Luckily Miss Leslie helped distract her with some toys and questions.  

Both teachers kept assuring me that she'd be okay as I was walking away.  That part I wasn't sad about.  I've been used to walking away while she's in tears in a teacher's arms thanks to nursery and gymnastics.  The part I was sad about was walking out of the building realizing that she's not a baby anymore.  She's growing up.  She's in school.  Granted it's only preschool and it's only 4 hours twice a week and she's only 3 but it's still a big girl step and life won't ever be the same.  

Of course it was a matter of minutes that I was able to get over it and enjoy breakfast out with my sister-in-law and her youngest.  She even told me it was okay to peek in the windows on my way back home so I could make sure Addison had calmed down.  I'm glad I got the "it's a normal parent thing to do and it's okay" que from her.  I had already been contemplating it anyway.  And sure enough, once I found Addison she was happily playing with some blocks and didn't have any tears in her eyes.  

The big girl on her first day holding her "pack pack" she decorated herself.

Mommy and her little "big girl"

Jonas and I didn't do much that first day except count down the minutes until it was time to pick her up.  It was so fun to see her come out of class with her "pack-pack" and a smile.  It was also fun to chat with her all about her day on the way home.  She showed me the pictures she drew and was very good at answering all my questions about her day....and I had lots.  Jonas and I had picked up a special lunch for her at Walmart that morning and we were very excited to give it to her.  I hope she realizes how proud I am of her and being brave and going to school.  It was such a special and fun day for all of us.  



Meg + Taylor said...

I love playing catch up on your blog!! I cannot get over how big Addison is getting! I feel like we still just barely moved from AR and now I realize its been a while now since the last time I've seen you guys. I guess it's only natural for kids to grow up :) Love the post on Jonas' birthday party. What a great idea!