Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Sooo.....My Kids.

This post isn't actually about "my kids" per se.  It's about Addison's kids.  Did you know she has some?    She does.  I don't know all their names but I do know one is Aleena.  She tells me about them ALL the time.  

I always wondered if/when she would pass through the imaginary friend phase.  I just didn't know she'd have a whole family of imaginary friends.  Her kids don't sound very well behaved.  And each time she tells me a story about them, it usually almost ALWAYS mirrors a situation we just experienced.  For example:  "Mommy, do you want me to tell you about MY kids!?"  "Dey were eating dare lunch the other day and dey were throwing their food and dey were NOT listening to me!"  (See!  Naughty kids.)  I usually always make it a big deal and talk about how her kids are not making good choices.  It's hilarious the stories she comes up with about her kids.  

Another thing she's been doing for the past while is asking us questions in the form of "Sooooo, are you today?"  Whuh?  When did she turn into a grown adult with these conversation skills?  She especially likes to ask Daddy as we sit and eat our dinner.....  "Soooooo, was your day today?"  It's always the same inflection and tone and it's hilarious to hear her join the grown-up conversation.  

The other day we were sitting in the Doctor's office and she was admiring some artwork in the shape of a globe on the wall.  She sat there and said "Wowwwww" and I took the chance to show some excitement as well and said "Yeah, did you know that's the world?" and she responded "Yeah.....that's what scientists say."  I started chuckling at her and for the life of her she had no idea what was so funny.  I love the things she comes up with out of that tiny little Hufford head.

Jonas isn't tailing far behind when it comes to saying cute things.  His words just take a little longer to decipher is all.  For example, sometimes when he gets into his goofy mode he'll start spinning around in circles in the living room with his hands out by his side and I'll exclaim about how fast he is and how he is going to crash etc etc.  Then he purposefully will fall to the ground right after and I'll say "Crash!" and start chuckling at him and he always responds with "Shack!"  Which I'm learning is his translation of crash...maybe he's foreshadowing some dyslexia here? ;o)  The little guy also LOVES going outside and I'm thrilled that it's finally showing signs of getting warmer around here.  He'll always come follow me and whine and say "Side....side...side."  He really makes it look/sound so pitiful.  Plus, he's always in the mood for Mommy cuddles.  More so than I remember Addison being at this age.  He'll get whiney and follow me and say "Up! Up!" and if I don't listen he'll keep whining "Mamamamaw" over and over again.  He's a fun one to cuddle with.  The other day he grabbed my phone and pushed the button so he could see the backround pic (which is of him) and he'll say "baybeh baybeh".  He's getting pretty infatuated with babies.  Probably because he finally got to meet his two newest cousins, Jase & Lydia this past week.  I even caught him staring at a crying baby in Sam's and saying "Baybeh"  I'm hoping this is a good sign for when our little girl comes to join our family soon!

A few pics of what we've been up to lately:

This pic captures the kind of fun Daddy has with the kids in the tub.  He's always more exciting than Mommy is.  That's what Daddies are for!

These are the hooligans I ran into while shopping in Target the other day.  Again, Daddy is way more fun than Mommy.  And I kinda like it that way.  ;o)

Nothing cuter than seeing a sleeping boy nodding off after lunch time.  We were waiting for sister to get home from preschool but apparently he didn't make it that far.  

Heading on a walk on a pretty sunny day.  She requested to wear her winter hat.  I'm guessing she was bracing herself for a little more frigid weather than we had?  Oh well, she was cute in it while she ran around the playground and sweat in it.

Jonas is finally at the age where he can enter the park play structure and go down the slide....ALL on his very own.  And he can also remember how to do it over and over again.  Always makes this Momma happy when they get more independent.  Less stress and running around trying to predict where he will jump off/fall from next.

Addison loves pretending to be a teacher.  She decided that since we didn't have story time at the library this day, she was going to do her own story time.  She allowed me to take only ONE picture of her as she finished reading the page and held the book up for us.  Glad it was a good one!


She Loves The Color Pink said...

haha cute, cute! Charlie has started being a little conversationalist too. "how was your day about, mommy?" He's still learning :)
Aleena--that's an interesting name!

Meg + Taylor said...

Hahaha--I still can't believe she's talking! I know I've been gone for years now, but she'll always be this sweet little 18 month-old in nursery :) As always your kids are darling. And hilarious.