Sunday, March 24, 2013

24 Weeks

This poor little girly.  She's a third child.  And as a result, I spend more time chasing after the other two than I do documenting her pregnancy.  In the beginning of this pregnancy I've even had moments where I've forgotten I was pregnant! (Yes, they were fleeting ;o).  Lucky for me, she's a chunky one and has me measuring big so at this stage of the game - I'm very aware she's inside of me.  She's a good girly though.  She doesn't do much to disturb me besides a random kick here and there just to let me know she's okay.  I've had the typical pregnancy symptoms of heartburn, a little bit of sciatica here and there, and some braxton hicks that are pretty constant and non-productive - which is a good thing at this point.  It makes me VERY grateful for the minor aches and pains I do get and that none of them are serious or life-threatening to either of us.  She's been kind to me and I appreciate it.  

I think I'm at 24 weeks in this picture but again, since she's our third, I'm not the most accurate counter this time around.  Thankfully I have to keep track for me.  I'm sure I won't be forgetting how far along once I near the end that's for sure!

She's doing everything similar to how Addison was when she was in my tummy.  Their heartbeats are almost always in the same range.  They both seemed to sit up high on my stomach instead of lower like Jonas did.  And they all three seemed to give me plenty of heartburn (aka while they grow a full head of hair in there).  Luckily, this time I actually thought to ASK my doctor about the heartburn wherein he prescribed me some wonderful Zantac to relieve it.  It's a daily pill but it's soooo worth it to have that relief.  Heartburn is not fun....neither is belching like a trucker when it comes around.  I guess I used to just think that it was one of the many symptoms of pregnancy that I just got to deal with.  Who knows what other medications are out there to make this process a little more bearable!?

We are still thinking of names for this little girly.  It's hard because Daddy and I seem to disagree on all the ones we are each in love with.  Just for the record here is a list of what we've been discussing up to this point...

1.  Camryn (Mommy's version) or Cameron (Daddy's version)
2.  Taylor
3.  Payton
4.  Avery (It's a little too common for Daddy's taste so we'll see)

From the looks of these front-runners, I'm thinking we venture toward names that are gender neutral when it comes to girls.  After all, I grew up with 4 different Shannon's - one even being a boy, and Addison is also a boy's name although I don't hear it used as such very often.  Hmm.....interesting trend we have going on here.  I'm hoping once we meet her that we'll have an idea what her name should be.  It's a little nerve-wracking for me to wait that last minute so we'll see what happens between now and then!  Either way she'll be adorable and TOTALLY look like whatever her name is meant to be.  I just can't wait to meet her!  They are so much more fun on the outside of me than on the inside.