This post title probably would sound more fitting for a holiday like Thanksgiving instead of Mother's Day but please let me expound...
To put it simply, I've enjoyed a GREAT Mother's day (my first "official" one mind you) and I couldn't have thought of anything to make it any better than it was.
John and Addison woke me up this morning to my "Happy Mother's Day to Youuuuu" song and there is nothing like waking up to the two smiling faces of those who made me a mother to begin with. The rest of the day did NOT disappoint either. Then, John whisked off to make a yummy pancake breakfast for all of us to enjoy before church. And of course, despite the regular meanderings of an 11 month old, Addison behaved very well in church as well which thrilled BOTH of us. Especially since she had to bum along in Daddy's class today. Luckily she just slept the whole time. Yay!
After church, we came home and played while John made THE most delicious meal EVAH. Seriously folks, I will be requesting this as my "last meal" before I leave this world: T-bone steak, ribs, twice baked potatoes, corn on the cob, and watermelon! All my favorites and all cooked perfectly. It once again reminded me how lucky I am to have a husband that knows how to grill to perfection. Yum! Afterwards, we enjoyed a nice nap and John even let me have a longer one while he got up to watch Addison. :D
And the finale to the wonderful day included a beautiful card (with Addison's handprint included!), a "Best Mom In The Whole Wide World" award, a nice pedometer/timer for my newfound passion of running, and a carpet cleaning later this week! Woot! I was equally excited about ALL of my day but let me tell you, I've wished my carpet clean for quite some time. Especially since Addison has seemed to create quite an imprint on it w/her food, etc lately.
Anyway, it was just a great day overall. I'm especially happy for these two people:Without them I wouldn't even be a Mom. And I couldn't have picked two better people. John does so good with appreciating me every day of the year, not just on the commercialized holidays. And Addison is such a happy baby and for the most part is such an easy little girl to be a Mom to.
Ever since I was little, I always would dream of being a Mother. As I grew up, people would ask me what I wanted to do when I was older. I never had a fancy occupation picked out, I said I simply wanted to be a Mom. And frankly, there were a LOT of years of waiting for this to happen. Almost to the point where I thought maybe it wouldn't! But I couldn't have imagined such a life as this. I'll be the first to admit that sometimes being a Mom can be stressful and difficult but it definitely has SOOOO many more rewards than sacrifices. I've loved learning along the way and appreciate Addison and John for their patience while I figure things out and also their gratitude and appreciation for the things I do right.
And I also want to take a minute to thank the other mothers in my life. First my own Mom (aka Mooma):This woman has been a lifesaver to me many MANY times in my life. She has had to fulfill dual roles as we grew up and has done amazingly well despite the sacrifices she's met along the way. And she has sacrificed MUCH for her children and still does to this day. I couldn't have picked a better Mother to raise me and I appreciate her for all the things she has taught me and shown me by her example.
And of course, I must not forget my other mother....this woman:Not only has she raised a wonderful boy, but ever since first meeting her (and probably even before we officially met) she has loved me and accepted me. She treats me like her own child and sometimes I'm convinced she loves me more than John! ;-) Mama Jean has always been so kind and supportive to me and I appreciate all that she has done as well. I think most people associate the word "mother-in-law" with negative stereotypes but to me she has been anything but!
So, on this day I thank her, and my own mom, and my husband and little girl for supporting me as their daughter, wife, and mother. I'm honestly living my dream job every day.
3 weeks ago
Happy Mothers Day Shanaynay...and for the record...we ALL love you more than John :p
You're a great mom! I'm thinking we should get together for dinner...and have John cook the whole thing! That meal sounds awesome!
Glad you had a great mothers day!
Thanks for making me cry! You should start writing Hallmark cards. How sweet, I'm glad you had a wonderful Mother's Day, kudos to John. I was equally blessed, and couldn't ask for anything more!!
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