We've been stuck in a blizzard for the past week or so. Which means we've been home bound for the majority of that week as well. Had we not gotten out of the house today I would have LOST my mind. Especially since we are getting hit with another blizzard in two days. Did I mention my distaste for winter? I like all four seasons of course, but winter ranks the lowest on the list. The only benefits I see are Christmas and freezing the insects, flies, and bugs so we have less of them in the summer. Really, once Christmas is out of the way, winter may as well be too if it were up to me.
The days at home have been boring but entertaining as well. It's been fun hanging out together as a family. Laying around in our jammies, eating junk, watching TV, and sleeping. But even that can get old after awhile....I know...right?! Luckily, I've spent my time these past few days entering into some negotiations that are very beneficial for me.
Negotiation #1: John vs. Shannon
So, this pregnancy has been different than Addison's. I've prided myself on never having a weak stomach when it comes to poopy diapers. I would point and laugh at John as he gagged while changing them. But me, I could hold my own. Until now. Even the sheer smell sends me lurching and running to the toilet with my hand over my mouth. As cute as she is, she can STINK. Don't even get me started on the diaper pail - the mass accumulation of stinky diapers? Nasty.
So, thankfully I have a caring husband who has agreed (with very little arm pulling from me) to handle any/all poopy diapers between here and my delivery date. (Note: I'm thinking the smell will only really bother me during this first trimester but I'm planning on "faking" it the whole 9 months. Shhh! ;-) He handles the poopies and I handle the wet. Now, my only dilemma is what to do between the hours of 8:00-5:00 on the weekdays. Any takers? :D
Negotiation #2: Addison vs. Mommy
Boredom got the best of Addison this weekend. She achieved another milestone. Check out the chubby legs in the picture below:
That's right. She has finally discovered body art and given herself her first tattoo. Hopefully it's her first and LAST. Thankfully it's temporary. She is now grounded from writing utensils. She felt rather bad about it and was sad for quite a while. It was adorable really. Luckily Daddy came to her aid and helped negotiate her punishment. She had to help him clean up the living room (aka: pick up 4 pieces of paper and 2 toys) and in return I would give her a bath and scrub it off. I have yet to fulfill my part of the bargain. Mostly because I think it's cute (shhhh don't tell her) and also because bath night isn't until Wednesday....hahaha. No need to double up on work ya know! Nothing a pair of pants won't cover up until then! ;-)
In summary, I'd say these last few days being home-bound were rather productive for me!
3 weeks ago
Huffords have a keen sense of smell. Much stronger than the average drug dog. I can tell you if my neighbor's kid has a dirty diaper without leaving my bed.
LOL Mark...amen to that....AND Shannon....to winter only being good for dead bugs and Christmas....oh, and the snakes go away.
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