Tuesday, April 12, 2011

My Poor Baby

So, I've already posted about our yucky sickness week a couple of weeks ago. However, thought I'd include (for journaling purposes) how truly yucky our little girl was feeling. Here are pics of her E.R. visit at midnight and her poor I.V. arm. Sadly, I look much worse physically than she does!

Thankfully, she is 100% better now and I would never wish that sickness on my worst enemy (Rotavirus I think?) It's a horrible, yucky, cruel, nasty, thing to endure. So glad we are finally out of the woods and enjoying resuming our normal activities! :D I hope I never have to see my little baby in that condition ever again. These pics don't even cover the week following wherein there was TONS more yuckies everywhere. It was a loooonnnggg week for us! :(

After I.V. but before fluids. She was just not herself! So sad to see her that way.

After she got her fluids. Such a HUGE difference! So glad we both fought through the pain of the I.V. process.

Hanging out watching the iPad and Gabba! Love that show!

Like I said, I look worse than she did and I wasn't even the patient!


And just a random sidenote: As I've progressed in this pregnancy, I've spent some time reflecting on what our family is and what it will soon become. I've mostly enjoyed spending some time just observing Addison and the little person that she has become. I sit in amazement wondering how I was so lucky to be a Mom to such an adorable and good little girl. She is so sweet and loves to give hugs and kisses to Mom & Dad all the time...sometimes even when we don't ask for them. She does very good listening and obeying even though she's still learning along the way.

And boy is she learning! It seems to increase in speed/rate the older she gets. I'm talking about even noticeable differences in just one day to the next! She is such a blessing to our family and I couldn't imagine life without her. Even though I may have my moments/struggles w/motherhood sometimes, I'm sooooo lucky I get to spend my days hanging out with her and just watching how fast she is growing and learning. It's so fun to watch her little personality develop more and more everyday. I'm one lucky mama!


Hoffman Family said...

Shannon I had no idea you had to take her to the hospital. poor girl. I am so glad you are all doing better.

Natalie said...

Awe poor thing (both of you!!)...she is even a cutie when she's on her deathbed!

Jean Fields said...

Shannon, you said that you are a lucky person to be Addi's mommy. I would say that Addi has been blessed to have YOU for her mommy. I love the two of you very much.

De Anne said...

We have lived through Rotovirus too! Almost lost my baby to that. So glad that Addison is feeling better and that you survived too. Way to be a strong mama!

Colton Anne said...

Those are such pathetic, but still very cute pics of her! It's never fun to see your children in such pain!! So glad she is better!