It's the natural progression of life. From baby-hood to toddler-hood to big-girl hood. Addison finally journeyed on it this past weekend.
Thankfully we finally found some time in our crazy busy lives lately to devote to putting together Addison's big girl bed!! :D Daddy has been way busy with work and church and this pregnant mama was NOT ready to set everything up by her lonesome - er with a 2 year old good as a helper that she is. So, we had a free moment last Friday night and went to work.
Addison was beyond thrilled and excited about the hustle and bustle. So much so that she was itching to sit/jump on the bed at every.single.point of the process. And Mommy and Daddy were trying their hardest to get it all together before her bedtime at 8:30. By the end of the night the house was chaos but her bed was complete....and WE were exhausted! All the rushing was sooo worth the effort though once we saw the look on her face when she FINALLY got to get on it for the first time. It's only a twin sized bed but it makes her look soooo small again! I swear she's only using about 25% of the space!
Within 15 minutes of her going to bed, I was just itching to peek in on her. I could hardly stand it but somehow managed to let John deter me until a full hour later. Luckily she was wiped out so she slept through all my picture taking - yes I HAD to take her picture of course.....I'm the mama!
She slept sooo well the whole night, never made a peep, and didn't even wake up until 7:30 the next morning (when she'd been waking up at 6:00 am the week previously!) I was in love with the change-up.
I even spent the evening practicing what I would do if she cried when she woke up in the a.m. Typically, in the crib, that was our cue to come get her, change the diaper, get the milk sippy, etc. However, I promised myself I'd still go into her room, but this time "help" her figure out how to get down from the bed (which is about the same height as she is) instead of just picking her up myself. I was all prepped and ready but much to my surprise guess who was peering into MY eyes when I woke up on Saturday? Yup, Addison! She was standing next to my bed waiting for me to wake up and said "Mommy! Awake!" She had noooo trouble adjusting and I was convinced it'd take us at least a few days to transition. Apparently the Mommy needed more transition time than she did. She was yet again an overnight success!
We are so proud of our big girl and always amazed how easily she adapts to new stages/phases of life. She has already had the chance show her bed off to Aunt Sarah and cousins and then to Grandma and Grandpa Fields. She LOVES to show it off and show everyone how she sleeps at night...this little girly loves the extra attention and I love that she's so proud of it.
Every once in awhile she still heads to the baby's room, where her old crib is, when we announce bed time. She'll stop midway in the hallway and you can just see her little mind think before she turns around and heads into her room with her new big girl bed. Yay Addison on becoming a big girl!! Next up, potty training! Hopefully that adjustment goes just as quickly as all the rest!
3 weeks ago
Addi is a princess through and through. We had so much fun with you all last night and loved seeing Addi's new furniture. I'll never forget the look on her face as she showed us. She has such a grateful little heart. It's so fun to read your blogs and witness all of Addi's "firsts". What an exciting time for all of you. Love you all to pieces!
That bed is so cute and Addi is darling in it!
What an adorable room! Addi does look so small in that big girl bed. Too cute, and yay for an easy transition!
You didn't mention that the entire bed only costs $10,thanks to your favorite sister:) I'm guessing the blue side rails clashed with your decor:) You should see if Cassie wants to use them, you're progressing much faster then she is with all this big girl stuff!!
Oh my goodness! She looks so cute in the bed! I'm sad the girls are asleep right now...I'm going to have to show the pics to them in the morning! They sure do love their Addison!
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