Also known as Kansas City. Granted we have cousins in many places but recently we were able to tag along w/Daddy on his trip/work meeting to Lenexa. And that always means that Addison and I get lots of cousin bonding while he sits in boring meetings. It's a win win! :D
We started our evening off with just a dinner out with our own little family. It was horrible. Not so much the "family" part of it as much as the "dinner" part. I've officially sworn off Applebee's now. Their food is one level BELOW mediocre, the service was also sub par, and apparently they are making their budget cuts in the way of air conditioning. It also didn't help that Addison decided to throw tantrum after tantrum when the food came. But at least she looked cute before the tantrums came. And at least we weren't too disappointed to leave our nasty meal behind as we followed up with her consequences of hanging out in the car until she was done.
The rest of our stay was quite wonderful. We spent the mornings giving Daddy rides to work and then would jaunt off to Aunt Michelle's house and hang out for the day. We would play, eat lunch, nap, and then rush on to pick Daddy back up from work. We even got to enjoy eating a delish dinner with the Hufford cousins our 2nd night in town. It was so nice of them to throw an impromptu dinner together for us. And it was especially nice that Addison has finally reached the age of playing on her own instead of hovering by me the whole time. It made our visit that much more wonderful! Here is a pic of Daddy, Addison, and Laney (cousin / Addison's twin) hanging out in the basement. Thanks so much for the fun Mark & Maren!
The following days we even got to take part in Ashlyn's birthday party, a couple of school play dates with Preston's friends at Aunt Michelle's house, a hot and sweaty afternoon at Deanna Rose, followed up with a delicious dinner with Mommy's siblings and all the cousins yet again. It was really a great visit and a nice impromptu trip. Can't wait until another boring work meeting happens again! :D
Loved having you guys here!
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