Friday, November 9, 2012

Home Room Mom

I think I'm a certified nerd.  For many reasons of course....but mostly because I've always dreamed of the day I could be a home room mother for my kids when they went to school.  Do they even still call them that?  Holiday parties galore.  Bringing a glimpse of the "outside world/smell" to the confines of a musty classroom in the middle of the day.  I always thought they were awesome.  And it's even more awesome-er that I am one now.  My mom always participated in my classroom activities as I was growing up.  It took me many many many MANY days for my wish to come true but it finally did a couple of Tuesdays ago.  Whuh?  And I'm just now posting about it?  Weird I know.

Addison has been going to pre-school every Tue/Thur for a couple of months now.  We love it and she loves it.  But that's a whole other post.  Last week I signed up to be a helper during her Halloween party at school for an hour.  And can I just say I'm soooo glad she goes to a school (Methodist affiliated I think) that isn't afraid to call it what it is?  A HALLOWEEN party.  Not a fall harvest, a fall festival, or pumpkin appreciation.  HALLOWEEN....AND they even let them wear their costumes to school.  Yay for not having to be politically correct all the gosh darn stinkin' time.  

I specially selected a babysitter for Jonas so I could focus on my duties as a first-time home room mother.  Yes, he could have just played next to me while I busied myself with party preparations but I wanted Addison to know that this was HER time.  Plus, he is more work to chase down and keep from climbing on things than not.  

By the time I showed up to help, the kiddos were off playing at recess.  I think every single mother was there.  Yay for lots of parental support.  We bagged candies for the kiddos and helped the teachers prep for the fun.  It was so cute watching the kids come in and Addison scanning the face of every mother until she found me and grinned from ear to ear.  

The party itself was nice and low key and we basically just followed our child around as they played at the different game stations.  I did make it a point to stay back a bit as Addison worked her way around the room.  This forces her to actually interact with other people and teachers and kids....and cling less to me as her safety net.  She did great and of course we both had a blast.  I love how her preschool is helping her overcome her timidness.

Playing with the Halloween felt board.  This was before she was flanked with kids on each side wanting to play too.  She started to back away until I encouraged her to join in with them.  

Snack time!  Talk about sugar overload.  And yes, that is my child stuffing the whole cupcake into her mouth.  She's an avid icing fan.

Showing me her crafty candy loot after the party.  Such fun and creative things the other Moms made to give to the class.
What isn't shown in the pictures are the 'Bean Bag Toss' game wherein Addison walked right up to the holes and chucked the bags through.  I'm sure she was, what's so hard about this game?  And of course the "Pin The Nose On The Pumpkin" game wherein she walked up to the board and peeked under her blindfold and stuck the nose on the exact place it was supposed to be.  The 'Pumpkin Ring Toss' game where she stood right over the pumpkin and dropped the ring down.  And the 'Halloween Bingo Game' where she was finally forced to follow the rules since Mrs. Leslie was officiating that one.  Such a smart little girly I have! ;o).

It was so much fun to take part in her preschool day just her and I and see her interact with her classmates and teachers.  I finally found my dream job.  Being a Home Room Mother.  Now I need to go find somewhere to enroll Jonas so I can double up on these party celebrations!


The LaBrue Crew said...

I am soo right there with you! I feel like a dork but I too have dreamed of being a home-room-mother and look forward to helping out with Alexa's school! When I first enrolled her I'm sure I creeped the teachers out because I immediately said "And I would love to help out with parties or anything else whenever you guys need it".. that might be the first time they've ever heard such eagerness from a student's parent. I'm glad you too have the same dreams and goals in life! haha

Jean Fields said...

My favorite part of your blog was when you spoke of Addi scanning the faces of every mother till she saw yours!!!! I can see it so clearly right along with her adorable smile when she saw her mommy. So precious! So happy your dreams are coming true Shannon.