My oldest baby turned FIVE years old! When did that happen? She used to be soooo tiny. She made me a Mommy and I won't ever forget how I felt when I first held her and got to meet her five years ago on May 28th 2009. She's been such a joy to hang out with these past five years. She may look a lot like her Daddy but she acts a lot like me. That is fun to see most of the time but it can also make us butt heads sometimes because we are so much alike. She teaches me SO much about myself. More than she even realizes. I learn (and am reminded) every day why I'm this cute little girl's Mommy. And I'm forever grateful that I am. She's really a dream....such a good girly.
For breakfast we surprised her with a yummy meal. White powder donuts - she ALWAYS asks to get these when we are at the store. Mommy prefers the chocolate ones so since I'm paying the bill, and since the white ones are always SO messy, we get chocolate. Alas, I knew she deserved some white ones for her special birthday breakfast. She's also a lover of ALL fruit. But mostly strawberries and blueberries. And ever since she was little, she has LOVED milk. Just like her Daddy. So of course we had to get her a cold glass full of milk too. This was one of the easiest breakfasts to make so we were both quite happy with it. Jonas was pretty thrilled he got to partake of it too. It pays to be the little brother sometimes. ;)
Breakfast of champions! Five year old champions at least! |
We didn't have too much planned for her big day. She was a nice girly and let me go visiting teaching the morning of her birthday. It wasn't too boring for her since one of the sisters we visit is the Mommy to one of her good guy friends. She enjoyed the play date at both houses.
Afterward, we were running off to meet up with Daddy for her birthday lunch. She had a hard time picking where she wanted to go. Mostly because she tries so hard to be a people-pleaser and was trying to pick where she thought WE wanted to go. She went through several choices and I kept trying to figure out which was HER choice instead of ours. After much insisting, her choice came through, McDonald's! Yes, that was ALL her choice...not one of my favorites but that day it was delicious since it was what SHE picked. I think part of the reason she picked it was because she was hoping for a Happy Meal and toy. And of course, how could we not? It was her birthday after all.
Waiting for Daddy at lunch. Hanging out in the play place while we did. |
Of course, after lunch was naps and time to get ready for her next party. Dinner! With Grandma & Grandpa Fields too! For dinner she picked out all her favorites: Steak (always one of her favorites), french fries, macaroni & cheese, watermelon, and chocolate milk to drink. It was quite yummy and we were so glad Grandma & Grandpa Fields got to join us too.
Getting ready to dig in on her birthday dinner. |
One more group picture before we eat. Not shown: Brooklyn & Mommy behind the camera. |
Of course one of the best parts of birthdays is the yummy cake at the end. Mommy got to use her executive privileges on picking out/making this part. Of course, I know my girly well and thank heavens I guessed just what she loved. Strawberry cake! I think she was more excited about the decorations though. She is obsessed with the movie Frozen and I'm quite surprised we were able to find the tiara and jewelry since everything Frozen related is nowhere to be found on the shelves.
And last but not least, Dessert! |
And of course the part she waited the longest for....presents! She was gobbling up her dinner and then hovering around the table to encourage us to gobble up ours so we could move on to presents quickly. She definitely scored in this department! She was one happy girl and it was so much fun watching her open each one. Grandma & Grandpa hit the jackpot with Elsa/Frozen toys as well. She was thrilled. I'd say she thoroughly enjoyed turning five years old!
Posing by her toy loot. She was loving it. |
One of the things she did ask for was a lego set. As in the "big girl little legos". And Daddy made it happen. Daddy & Addison spent time together after the party was over and created this. He actually just watched while she built it all herself. Apparently she is quite the professional at lego-building. Looks like we are joining a new (albeit expensive) toy hobby now. I didn't know just how quickly she'd take to it. She loved it. Here's to hoping she doesn't lose any little pieces to Brooklyn or Jonas' tummies.
Quite proud of her lego creation. I was impressed at how easily she took to this project. |
And another favorite present? Grandma & Grandpa bought her a real microphone and the Disney Frozen soundtrack so she could belt out her music for all of us to hear. Seriously, she loves to perform. And she's memorized every word of Frozen. It was a little bit of heaven for her to show us her moves with her new microphone.
Our little performer. She has so many of the words (and actions) memorized. It's hilarious and adorable. |
We LOVE you Addison! We are so happy you are the oldest in our family. You are such a good example to your brother and sister (and Parents!). You have taught us so much by your quiet example and also your willingness to do good things and obey the rules. You have such a sweet personality and we are grateful we get to spend our lives with you in our family. I couldn't imagine what we'd do without you. Thank you for letting me be your Mom!
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