And now you've entered the dumping grounds for all the random happenings in May that are too minute to have their own post. Enjoy!
Brooklyn has decided to go on the hunt for her own food. Maybe I wasn't getting it to her fast enough? Either way, I'm not offended. Makes my job easier! Munching down on a forgotten apple on the floor. Third child problems. ;) |
Jonas starts most of his mornings out with tears. It's....not fun. However, this day the "bwoken banana" did not help matters. He kept following me around sobbing "Mommy, ith bwoken. Fix ith!" Sadly, I could not fulfill his I just took a picture instead. Aren't I great at sympathizing with him? ;) |
Brooklyn rarely gets Daddy to herself most days. Her siblings don't like to share. This was a rare moment for everyone and she was loving it. She sure loves her Daddy. |
This is the face I peered into after I sent him to play in the backyard for a few minutes. I was a bit scared of bending down to sniff the mysterious brown substance so I could identify it. Luckily, it was just chocolate.....phew. I wouldn't put 'eating his own poop' past him though. This boy always keeps me guessing. |
Jonas was actually being SUPER helpful (not a norm for him at this age) and was proud to go in and keep Brooklyn happy while I finished getting ready. So grateful for him on his helpful days. And he likes being in charge when Addison is away at preschool. |
ANYtime Daddy is on the floor and crawling around, this little guy saddles up. I just happened to capture the picture as he was tossing his 'Daddy hat' around. Looks like a true blue cowboy to me! |
I promise...we do do things with Addison too. She's just spent most of this month busy at preschool. I can really start to see how well Jonas and Brooklyn play together. It's a good thing since we will have a lot more time with each other when Addison is off to Kindergarten soon! |
Daddy had to leave on a work trip so the kids and I went on an adventure of our own. We finally got to explore Crystal Bridges walking trails. We were in LOVE. It's so beautiful and well maintained. Aside from the random complaining of tired feet (yes I was mean and made them burn energy by walking most of it) it was a wonderful little stroll. Here they are showing off the cool bridge we found. They spent most of the time running ahead and exploring. |
Annnnddd we also found a turtle on our little walk. Can't help but pose by a concrete turtle when you happen across one on a hike! Love my cute kiddos...especially since they were getting along so well. |
Sometimes we go for a walk around the square while waiting to pick Addison up from Preschool. Of course, you must ALWAYS dip the toes when a fountain is around. This little guy LOVES water. |
We also spent a lot of time hanging out at the city splash park. We are huge fans of this one folks. This particular day was a bit chilly but we had it all to ourselves! I'd say Brooklyn was a fan for a first-timer! |
Addison loved splashing around in her ballerina swimming suit as well. She didn't mind the cold weather one bit! |
Jonas is my water boy. He loves to drink it, play in it, bathe in it, swim in it, but mostly DRINK it. Apparently he got a bit parched during our play session. |
We took a mini-family adventure in our backyard and went camping. We are hoping to do it "big leagues" if we can master the backyard first. It's a lot of hard work with such little kids but it also means it is a lot of fun with them too. Those two were so excited to sleep outside. Brooklyn and Mommy were the first to midnight...and retreat to the house. Which was good because within an hour Daddy called me on the phone and mentioned they were caught in a downpour with a leaky tent. The kiddos did so good sleeping in it...even with the rain coming in from every corner. After rescuing them, and most of our stuff, they went right back to bed! I'd say they are camping fans! |
Of course, Daddy had to try out his latest youtube experiment. Our homemade air conditioner. Surprisingly it was pretty easy to make and worked pretty decent. It could have used a higher powered fan but apparently those aren't sold in stores anymore? |
And last but not least....a random Sam's trip. They were thrilled to be 3 inches from a 54" big screen. Cute these kiddos. |
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