This was the month we celebrate our beautiful and sassy Brooklyn turning ONE year old! My how time flies. It's been so fun spending this past year with her and getting to know her sweet personality more and more as it develops. She's really been such an easy and laid-back baby for her first year. However, I'm starting to sense some sassy attitude working it's way through. She's proving to be a good blend of her older brother and sister. And she's starting to give us a run for our money. She's a cutie though and is such a good addition to our family so we wouldn't have it any other way.
The special girl got TWO celebrations for her big day. The first one was a low-key at-home party which included her "favorite dinner." Granted, Mommy had to do her best guess at what her favorite meal would consist of since she hasn't quite mastered the verbal communication yet. I guessed chicken nuggets, french fries, and watermelon. I think I was pretty spot-on! Can I say how much I'm grateful that at these young ages, my kids birthday meals are soooo easy to make!
Her second celebration was the bigger of the two. We were able to rent our neighborhood clubhouse and decorate the heck out of it. I decided to go with the "Birds" theme and I think it turned out adorable. Thanks to the help of my friend Emily who already had a lot of themed decorations and was coincidentally an awesome party planner to boot. It looked adorable and of course Brooklyn looked adorable. All the extra work was worth it! Sidenote: I'm fully aware that any one year old child has no idea nor do they care how big of a production their first birthday is. I do this for me and my pictures and this blog. Years later they'll be so thankful that their Momma put so much work into such a special birthday. After all, this milestone is the only birthday I celebrate with such a big production. Enjoy the festive pictures!
Happy ONE Year Brooklyn!
Cake Smash....of course. BEST part of any first birthday. If I had to rate my kiddos and their level of "smash-ness" Brooklyn would come in 2nd place. She was interested but not overly thrilled about smearing it everywhere. Addison takes the cake (pun intended)! She thoroughly coated herself in her smash cake. Jonas was our lightweight and thus receives a 3rd place rank. He enjoyed it but surprisingly the thought of the mess turned him off from really getting into it. Whodathunk?! |
Sweet little one year old with her pensive thoughts. |
Washing down all that cake with a nice bottle o' milk.....with Daddy of course. |
The Hufford Men....doing what they do. |
Such a pretty big sister! Have I mentioned how helpful she is too? We got lucky with this one. |
Sneaking in a few Daddy snuggles. Or maybe just trying to get him as messy as she got herself. |
The bird nest cupcakes. Cute and fairly easy. Thanks Pinterest! |
The birthday spread. Sandwiches, toppings, fruit, chips, and pink lemonade of course. |
A good look at her "smash cake" before she smashed it. |
The paparazzi that couldn't resist snapping a few photos of the birthday girl - pre-smash. |
One of my favorite decorations at her party. A month-by-month glance of her first year. And yes, this crazy Momma takes full credit for spelling her own child's name wrong. Can I blame birthday party planning stress? If so, I choose to do that. Brooklyn, Mommy is fully aware that your name only has one "N" I promise! |
Our low-key family party with her "favorite dinner." |
Treating her to a birthday balloon on her special day. Jonas was just a tinge jealous that he didn't get one. Life can be so unfair. ;) |
And the birthday girl opening her family presents. Our chance to spoil the girl who totally spoiled us by joining our family. We are blessed. She is a perfect fit! |
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