I must admit, when Addison was a baby (as in tiny newborn) I was so on top of participating in the local library's fun events. So much so, that I embarassingly called and asked the library how young was "too young" for attending story-time with my child? Why in the world I thought there was an age-limit I'll never know. But I do know I was itching for an excuse to jump into all things stay-at-home Mommyish.
Fast forward to three kids later and frankly our public library fun is dwindling fast. It may be the combination of dragging all three kids there, getting them to hold still, etc. It's just plain exhausting! But after writing this post I really need to recommit to trying harder. Our library does so many fun things it's a shame not to participate. Especially since they have a craft time after each story time which makes me feel less bad that I do ZERO, ZILCH crafts with my kids during the week. At least we can go to the library and make a mess on their turf and let them do all the prep and clean-up involved right? That is enough of a reason to get this Mommy and her three kids out of the house once a week!
For this rare library excursion we were able to attend a fun clown activity with some friends. I went into it not quite knowing what to expect and heavens the crowd I had to fight to get a decent seat, and not lose my children, was starting to tell me it wasn't worth all the work it took to get there. But once Mr. Clown jumped into his production I quickly changed my mind. He had us all laughing, kids and adults! It was such a cute and well put together performance that I was very glad we fought through the battle and made it. I think Addison was really the only one (aside from me) that really seemed to get anything out of it. Jonas spent 95% of his time showing me the balloon that was caught up in the ceiling rafters....over and over again. But really, it was SO cute and I'm SO glad we went. Here's to many more library excursions in our future! Even if we have to battle half of the community to get a good seat.
1 month ago
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