My dear Grandma Weekes has openly expressed her "dying wish" - no, she's not dying, nor is she even close to it, but she's always been very intent on laying on the guilt in hopes of getting all of her many many grandchildren to obey her requests... Anyway I digress, she's been spending the last year or so begging and pleading for all of her grandchildren to come and celebrate in a good old fashioned Weekes Family Reunion this summer. I must admit, I tried my hardest to come up with excuses as to why we couldn't make it (it has been quite a busy summer!) and I wasn't entirely sure John had the vacation days at work to use toward it, but in the end I'm glad we made it work. I have some dear cousins that spent a LOT of time planning it and also my dear Grandmother who footed most of the bill (if not all) just in an attempt to get everyone there. In the end, it was a great time and my kids had a blast. Of course, I also had a blast getting to see all the cousins I grew up with way back when. So, thank you to my dear Grandmother for making it such a priority for all of us to be there.
We were lucky enough, to book Aunt Cassie's floor space for the festivities which meant we didn't have to camp overnight in the summer heat for the three days it went on. I didn't see camping with a one year old as a very fun idea although there were plenty of others who were quite a bit more brave than I was. Regardless, I was quite thrilled that Cassie lived only a few minutes from the campground and we could still drive over and enjoy all of the festivities that were going on during the day and evening. It was quite the production and next time I promise not to drag my feet in getting us there like I did this time. Lesson learned.
Daddy & Jonas having a reflective moment while fishing. Jonas LOVED fishing. |
Daddy posing with Addison, Jonas, and Alexa while baiting the fishing hook. |
Brooklyn showing off her reunion t-shirt. Can anything get cuter than this? I think not. |
Grandma Bell hanging out with Brooklyn at the reunion. I think these two look so much alike. |
Grandma Bell with the whole Hufford clan and matching shirts to boot! |
Daddy and Addison and Jonas spent a LOT of their spare time during the reunion just hanging out at the dock. They loved having a private little swimming area to play in. Not to mention, the fishing they were able to do (for the first time!) It made for such great memories. |
Jonas soaking his feet off the dock at the lake. |
Here are the two worn out swimmers. They spent so much time here. Needless to say, it wasn't hard to get them to sleep every night because of it. |
And here they are hanging out with Makinley. Getting in some more cousin fun before it was time to head to bed. |
To escape the heat, Daddy took these three to a movie matinee to see 'How To Train Your Dragon 2'. They all had a great time. Especially because popcorn was involved! |
And of course, it isn't a Weekes gathering without a Luau. My Tauai cousins are part Samoan so they always are gracious enough to share their talents and culture with the family. Addison and Alexa were thrilled to be a part of the production. Even if their grass skirts were a few sizes too big. |
And of course, our last day of the weekend consisted of a baby blessing at Kyle & Cassie's church for baby Kesten. Here is Grandpa heading to the car with a few of the boy cousins. Too cute of a picture to pass up. |
I failed to mention that this trip had dual purposes. My Dad's side of the family was visiting Missouri for their own reunion on their other side. Naturally, we had to plan an afternoon together to have our own mini-impromptu reunion at a beautiful park that was strategically in the middle of our paths. Definitely worth all the work it took to make it happen. |
All of the cousins hanging out at the "Bell Family Reunion." |
And of course a picture of some of the Bell cousins that were lucky enough to show up. Lots of years spent growing up with these hooligans. Oh the memories we could share. |
And what is a party without a pinata? Here is Addison taking a swing. She's so tender I don't think she even made a dent in it but it was sure fun trying. |
Here are MOST of the Bell siblings (and spouses). We were sad we didn't get to spend time with Aunt Lorraine. Maybe next time! |
And one more of the whole gang! It was more entertaining trying to get this picture prepped and ready to auto-shoot than I was expecting. Thus, the smiles on our faces were quite genuine while laughing at the whole process. So glad so many got to reunite and share memories. |
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