Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Post-Op Update

Hello all, for those who wanted an update on my recent surgery......I'm doing great! Well not extremely wonderful to where I'd be skipping through any fields of daisies but the type of "great" that doesn't include a ton of pain, nausea, and bedrest. All in all...it wasn't too shabby. I was expecting far worse.

I went in this morning at 10:00 am - sat and waited on doctors for almost two hours (don't get me started on that conspiracy!) and finally made it to the O.R. Last words I heard were "more anesthesia" and before I knew it they were waking me up in Post-Op. My only complaints immediately after was a very very very very dry mouth. Luckily it wasn't too long before John joined me and hooked me up with some Sprite :D. After 30 minutes of trying to re-hydrate my mouth we were on our way back home.
I happen to have a WONDERFUL nurse (male nurse named John) at my side whenever I need something so I couldn't ask for anything more. I could definitely get used to this lifestyle. Watch TV, eat whatever my heart craves/desires, sleep, drink, and do absolutely nothing but watch the hours tick by. Ah...sigh...this is the life. Thursday I go back to the Doc for a follow-up and the removing of about two tons of gauze in ma schnauze. (heya that rhymes!!) I'm already counting down. :D

Thanks for all the well wishes and dinners, and calls, and blog posts. Yes Sheri, a septum is the same as a schnauze. And for Josie, unfortunately I cannot (and will not) meet your request of post-op recovery pictures. I'm rather unsightly. Only a limited select few will see me in this current state if I have anything to say about that. ;-) I'll post a pic after ma schnauze has returned to it's original state - does that work??


Josie said...

Sigh. I suuuupppoooooose.....