Sunday, March 8, 2009

Hookie Lau: Part Deux

I bet all my devoted blog fans were starting to wonder if we ever did indeed return from the Hookie-Lau after all.  I know I'm long overdue for the second part of our wonderful anniversary trip to Hawaii.  It's been so long since I posted or came back from the trip I have a hard time remembering where I left off.  We did a TON of stuff on the second part of our journey and because of this, multiple posts will be written to account for all of it.

First, I must describe our snorkeling adventures at Hanauma Bay, where this not-so-pleasant-picture-of-me was taken.  Hanauma Bay was very much a postcard perfect picture.  Years ago it was a volcano that erupted and then broke off into the sea and as a result formed a bay out of the mountain side.  We actually loved it so much we went twice on our trip.  On the first day and the last day.  Out of all my travels (most of them to the Caribbean), Hawaii was the BEST snorkeling I've done.  I was so amazed at the lack of seaweed, the variety of sea life, the beautiful weather, the great rental gear, and the beautiful view - all happening simultaneously!  Both trips were similar although we saw a lot more sea life on our 2nd trip.  We headed up to Hanauma Bay super early to be sure we were one of the few allowed in the park before the parking spaces were gone.  That's when people were turned away.  
Anyway, we lucked out and made it both times as we arrived.  

We started by watching a cute but CHEESY movie wherein the sea life told us how happy and wonderful their world was and how they didn't want any of our food or fingers etc.  I didn't need much convincing of that fact.  I'm a firm believer and agree-er to keep your fins away from me and I'll do the same.  ::Shudder::  The video then sang a goofy little song for the coral who asked us to please not step on them on our adventures.  Happily! I thought...however, they failed to mention the "living coral" was literally EVERYWHERE on the ocean bottom.  To heck with standing on the stuff, John and I had extreme difficulty fighting the waves that chose to beach us on it every five minutes.  

We saw tons of beautiful fish and even found our first turtle sighting (on our 2nd trip).  We enjoyed our private little encounter before we were happened upon by the masses.  I think the whole beach caught wind of our sighting and immediately decided to beach themselves on us.  I can only handle so many mask kicks and fin flips by the general population before I choose to opt out.  Luckily for us, we had our own private photo shoot with Mr. Turtle to leave satisfied of our little adventure.  

All in all, the snorkeling was absolutely PERFECT.  Welp....except for the 3 mile hike back up the mountain afterwards.  We got smarter on our 2nd trip and chose to invest the 50 cent tram ride back to the top.  One can only handle so much walking in a wet swimming suit, up hill, already exhausted from snorkeling.  It was the best 50 cents I've ever spent.