Hey devoted blog readers out there. Don't give up on me yet - I'm still here and still thinking about my need to post. Obviously that's as far as it has gotten sadly. But I'm baaacccckkkk!!! And I'm armed with TONS of activities/festivities to post about so enjoy the next several hundred postings!!
In the meantime, I am losing it. Not my mind, as some may be quick to agree with, but my stinkin blog page. Just when I thought, "Now is about the time I should get on and post" - then SHAZAM- all my layouts have been erased right along with my favorite blog links. So, after MUCH editing/re-posting I think we've restored them all. However, I had a few choice words to mutter to the makers of blog-land as I re-typed every stinkin friggin link I could remember. So, if you don't see yourself on the right side of my page - hit me up with a comment! Hopefully I haven't forgotten anyone out there. Has anyone else had these same troubles with their blog? Maybe we should start a therapy group - I'll volunteer myself as President!! Grrrrrrr.
4 weeks ago
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