Consider this post a "dumping ground". I have a bunch of random events/stories I want to blog about but instead of doing a bajillion posts - I'm dumping them all into this one. Bear with me as I jump from random topic to random topic. Most of them (okay all of them) are about this girly:
Enjoying a field trip and a treat w/Grandma Bell, Mommy, and baby brother. Cute huh? Frankly she's been a trooper as she is learning to adjust to baby brother. Especially since that means she gets the left over patience from this Mommy most days - and frankly that isn't much. She's a great helper amidst all the chaos that our days consist of. Luckily for her and I we are slowly getting back on track to "normal life" so hopefully she bears with me just a little longer. I'm so very thankful for her....and also thankful that she has given me the following stories to post about. It adds some laughter and excitement to our days that's for sure!
Last week Addison got invited to cousin Bryce's birthday party at Jump Zone. This is the 2nd time Mommy got to go with her. The last time we came here she was only one year old and had barely learned how to walk. She was NOT a fan at that time since it's hard for even an experienced walker to maneuver those jump houses. Usually she's quite content just playing with the rocking horses in the kiddie area but this time Mommy forced her into the Elmo jump house and within minutes she was loving it. This time every time she fell down I laughed. Which helped her learn that falling down was all part of the fun. And then she decided to conquer the big kid jump houses too. It proved to be quite the workout for Mommy after it was all said and done. We both left a little sweaty from all the fun. So glad Bryce had a birthday and shared his fun with us!
And this is Bryce's sister.....cousin Karah. Addison and I both love her. She is a great helper with Addison and one of the few people that Addison always goes straight to - regardless of how long it has been since we've seen her. She loves her older girl cousins so much. She was less than thrilled when boring Mommy took her to the bathroom instead of Karah. She wanted Karah to do everything with her. They ate together, played together, and anytime Karah wasn't in sight, Addison was off to search for her. I wasn't complaining. I love when Addison looks to other people (besides Mommy and Daddy) for help. Plus I enjoyed relaxing with Jonas and getting in on all the party fun as well. Thanks Karah! Can't wait until you are old enough to babysit! :D
As of this week we've embarked on Tour de Park 2011. To break up the day-to-day monotony we've started checking out all the local parks. It helps us to enjoy each other more and even enjoy the fresh air more as well. It's worth the 2 hour prep work it takes to leave the house in the mornings. As you may know by now, Addison loves her slides. Here she is showing some new and improved skills she acquired. Such a daring girly!
We've been living in the land of "owies" for quite some time now. She's a tough girly so usually all she needs is a kiss better and she's good to go. However, yesterday she came to me showing me her scraped thumb. I decided to get her a band-aid and she was thrilled to see that Mommy replenished the band-aid stock to include Elmo AND Curious George. Within five minutes of doctoring up her first owie, she was showing me her second one. I was skeptical at first since I knew she was trying to get more band-aids but sure enough she had another scrape on her other thumb. I was convinced she was inflicting pain just to get band-aids. Unfortunately for her I closed up the band-aid shop after the first two owies - all the others she reported after that just got a kiss from Mom.
And her latest accomplishment...emptying her dresser. After a long evening of helping Jonas get some painful bubbles out, I was finally sitting down to enjoy ten minutes of silence. I'm learning that silence isn't always a good thing nowadays. Yep, I think we are finally entering that stage. This is what I found when I went looking for her. Why did she do this you ask? Because she likes to fold clothes..uh lot. And apparently our weekly laundry folding wasn't fulfilling her need. I tried my hardest to keep a straight face as I took this picture so she'd know this was NOT a good thing. But it didn't matter. She was in heaven because for the next 10 minutes she got to help Mommy fold them all and put them back. Mission accomplished!
She was even kind enough to adorn baby brother with her tights collection. So nice of her to share the bounty eh?
So now you get to see the excitement of what our day-to-day life consists of. I guess that is what happens when a second child comes along. The first child gets some freedom and takes FULL advantage of it right? If this is all we have to deal with then I won't complain!
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