Saturday, July 21, 2012

10 Months Old

I'm going to hurry and post this before Jonas' turns 11 months old - which is set to happen soon believe it or not.  However, we've had a crazy month of travel and were finally able to hold still enough to take some informal pictures of the big guy.  

Just when I think he can't get any cuter....he goes and proves me wrong again.
And speaking of proving me wrong, I think he's bound and determined to prove to me that you can turn 1 year old and STILL not have teeth and STILL not be interested in crawling.  I keep convincing myself, ahhhh next month he'll get his teeth, next month he'll start crawling.  Um, nope.  Hasn't happened yet again.  He's a stubborn little thing.  

I'm convinced he's been teething for the past 5 months since he's had his cranky moments and been a slobbery and snotty mess lately.  I keep looking multiple times each day to see those pearly whites shining through.  Nope.  Still just that gummy smile.  However, I will miss that gummy smile when the pearly whites do finally come in.  I'm convinced he's going to have huge horse teeth with as long as they are taking to come out.  I see them pushing behind the gums but nothing past that.  Lets hope I don't have to puree his food for the rest of his life!

And lets talk about crawling.  The little dude is determined to NOT crawl.  At least now he gets in the crawling position....only to flop to the floor after a few seconds of trying to hold himself up.  However, he does get around a little here and there.  Usually it's rolling or flopping around or reaching or scooting on his bottom.  Where there's a will, there's a way!  He has learned to pull himself up on furniture and LOVES to just hang out and stand while leaning on the coffee table.  Who knows, this little man may just walk before he crawls.  I wouldn't be surprised at this point that's for sure.  The frustrating thing is that he's definitely turning into more of a "boy" and wants so desperately to get around and move.  He lunges and wiggles and squirms whenever you hold him, however, he has no idea how to get any farther than a few inches here and there.  This makes me think I'm going to be in for a wild ride once he does start walking.

He's the cutest little dude I know and I still pinch myself when I realize that HE belongs to ME.  I'm his Mother?  How lucky am I?  He has entered the "I want Mommy all the time" phase as well.  I love that he loves me most days but sometimes I enter into the "I want my space some of the time" phase.  Coincidentally Addison and Jonas are both deep rooted in Mommy phases right now, which makes for an interesting combination for me.  Space is something I get very little of these days.  Oh well, I like knowing that my kids like me and need me.  I'll be begging for this when they are teenagers right?

Back to Jonas, he's such a happy little dude and is always pretty chill and laid back.  I've been blessed when it comes to having good babies.  However, he has entered the screaming phase when he wants something.  I think he's realizing that he'll get all of us jumping to his aid when he starts to make those kind of noises.  Yep, I'm realizing he's got it allllll figured out.

Jonas is a joy to have in our house and I love seeing his personality grow more and more.  I'm thinking he's going to have quite the sense of humor as he gets older.  And I also think he'll be a little thrill-seeker like his sister.  He looooovvvveeeesss when Daddy tosses him in the air.  The higher the better.  

He's a good little eater (as in he eats LOTS of EVERYTHING) and he's a good little sleeper.  I love to watch him curl up into his blanket and nod off to sleep.  He's started preferring to lay on his side when he sleeps.  Secretly I love it because I've always been a side sleeper.  Especially when it involves curling up in the blanket with it by my face.  It's fun to see both kids sleep the same way.  

Jonas also has the talons of an eagle or a cougar.  With one swipe, he can take a grown adult (usually me) down to my knees in pain.  I don't know how he does it but it doesn't.feel.good.  I've even trimmed his nails just to have him turn around and do it again.  

He's hilarious to watch as he gets excited and starts flailing his arms and hands and hollering in his deep little man voice.  As usual, he's generous with his smiles and especially so if sister is looking at him.  She has the magic touch to get him into fits of giggles pretty fast.  

Here's the innocent face.  Mmmmm....I love his juicy lips.  So kissable.

Gumming on his fingers and watching his sister.  She was my prop this day.  As you can tell, she was ABOVE me entertaining him. ;-)

Finally he looks at Mommy and smiles!

And to make sister feel included, she finally got a shot with the big boy.  Apparently there was something more exciting going on outside.  
Happy 10 Months Old Jonas McKay!


Meg + Taylor said...

You guys sure are busy this summer!! You have some seriously cute kids Shannon! Don't worry about Jonas taking his time to crawl. Apparently I was the same and look at how great I turned out :) I think we are just smart. Why move yourself when someone else will do it for you? We know it won't last forever so we milk it for all we can ;) Happy 10 months little guy!

She Loves The Color Pink said...

I like Meg's comment above. Although that makes me a little worried my kids may be dumb--they'll definitely get any ditziness (I can't even spell it haha) from me and not their father! He is going to be 1 so soon!!!!

Colton Anne said...

So cute!! I don't think I'd crawl yet either if I had that head to hold up! It's such a cute one though! So glad we could see you guys a little while ago!