Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Snug As A Bug

I was under the impression that the second child would come programmed on how to hang out/chill out while the Mom tends to the older child or other important/necessary things. Is this not correct? I'm learning that it's not so much in our case. Mr. Jonas is a bit of a Diva. In a cute and adorable way of course. Is there a "male version" of the word Diva? Hmmmm.

Anyway, he's not a fan of me putting him down...pretty much ever. Except to sleep at night and even then it involves four attempts at keeping the binky in his mouth until he's out. He likes to be held and rocked and cuddled. Which I do love to do....sometimes. But sometimes Addison pees on the floor (today) and sometimes she takes a bath and sometimes her clothes need changed and sometimes she needs to eat food. No matter where I put Jonas while I try to do these things...he does NOT like it. And of course we get to be serenaded with his angry cries while I continue doing those things...since you can't leave two-year olds in a tub of water unattended. And again...the crying....lets just say it's very hard on me.

Anyway, I've tried a myriad of ideas on how to get him just so and comfortable so he can hang out while I use my two hands for something else. I've laid him flat on a blanket, I've propped him up on the Boppy, I've swaddled him in his crib, I've laid him in the pack-n-play, and I've buckled him in his bouncy seat and put some relaxing music on. Nothing seems to last longer than five minutes before crying ensues. How did he get this way? I've never really held him non-stop so he doesn't know otherwise.

Well tonight John got to play the guessing game with him while I made dinner. And this little bundle is what I came back to...

Snug as a Bug in a....blanket.

John is now convinced he just likes to be snug and warm and cozy. Maybe that is the cure? I'm willing to try anything at this point. I just know I need to actually DO other things beside hold him non-stop....especially since Addison needs some of my attention.

Of course I AM a born cuddler so we do always reserve the evening time for Mommy/Jonas snuggles while Daddy is able to help out with Addison....and that is always a very nice way to end the day.


Quentin said...

I would be as snug as a bug too if I had that couch. He is so cute. We are excited to get to see him and you of course.

Natalie said...

Can't wait to love on that little bundle!!

What's up with the Walkers! said...

I knew it, you were right! That's exactly what you thought he needed, John just beat you to it! As long as it works, keep me posted:)

Sarah said...

Adorable pic...oh, and by the way...if we follow the rules of Spanish...a Diva is a girl...a DivO is a boy :)