Thursday, May 3, 2012

7 Months Old

So, before one can turn 8 months old - they have to actually turn 7 months old.  Which Jonas did....a month ago.  However, Mommy has yet to post about it.  I have spent everyday thinking about doing it - does that count?  I don't know where the time has gone but this little boy is growing faster than I can imagine.  And we've been so busy lately that we haven't had a chance to celebrate his 7 month milestones either.  

So here is an improvised picture of the little 7 month old dude....when he was technically 7 1/2 months old.  Yep, poor 2nd child.  Hopefully he doesn't suffer too much from his birth placement.  

Point those toes!
There weren't any doctor's visits for the 7 month marker so I'm only guessing that he was probably pushing close to 20 lbs which means he likely doubled his birth weight now.  His head is still huge and he's still a big boy.  So much so that my arm is getting quite the workout.  Now, I find reasons to get him out of the carrier so I don't have to lug both of them around when we run errands.  And it helps that he's finally interested in sitting up all by himself...finally! :D  So, he rolls occasionally, sits up rather well with only a few tips backward, but has yet to show any desire to crawl, or pull-up, or walk.  I try not to worry about it too much.  He's a very happy baby and quite content with life just as he has it.  When you are waited on hand and foot - what isn't to like right? ;-)  

He is still toothless as well which may be a blessing in disguise.  I've heard from numerous people that the longer it takes for them to get teeth, the stronger they are when they come in.  So, if that's the case, we'll take it.  However, he has seemed rather fussy lately so I'm guessing they will be making their debut soon.  

He is SUCH a chill little dude.  Just sits back and smiles and enjoys life.  And we enjoy life with him in it.  I look at him multiple times throughout the day and think..."Man you are soooo adorable!  How can you be soooo cute?"  He's a looker that's for sure.  Maybe I should start crafting ways to keep the girls away from him soon.

I like to joke that he 'talks like a man but he screams like a girl'.  For any who have heard him jabber, it's a rather deep voice.  I've gotten used to hearing it but many people remind me just how deep his little voice is for such a little guy.  However, he has acquired a new talent, screaming....just to be heard.  And it's not the 'I'm in pain so I'm screaming' it's the "I'm bored and no one is paying attention to me and I have something to say" type scream.  Yes, it can usually go on for a long time.  Sometimes it's cute and sometimes the cuteness fades pretty quickly.  

We love having our little J. McKay in our family.  He's quite the popular little guy between all of us.  Happy 7 months old (a month ago) Jonas! :D