Friday, May 11, 2012


 I grew up watching He-Man and She-Ra as Masters of the Universe.  I've decided Addison is She-Ra.....or else she'd like to be.  Even though she's never heard of her....yet ;-).
She-Raaaaa!!  Princess of Power!!
Why have I nicknamed her this?  Because she thinks she has the power to move the sun.  Many times, while we are driving down the road, she'll yell at the Sun when it's in her eyes.  "Move Sun!  You're hurting my eyes"  "Go away Sun!" etc. etc.  Oh the innocent mind of a two year old.  I assure her that it's the Sun and it usually makes people happy and she does not have the ability to make it go away and that she should probably just close her eyes in the meantime.  Actually, now that I think of it, I think she's more of a fan of the moon.  She loves pointing it out when it comes out in the sky.  And so far, it has not hurt her eyes that I know of.  

And she also thinks she has the power to shush Jonas.  Jonas has mastered his trait of screeching and squealing just to be heard.  It's not the most pleasant sound to my ears and apparently Addison has decided the same.  She keeps telling Jonas to "shush"  or "stop yelling brudder" or "be quiet!"  I've assured her that it's his way of talking and that she needs to be nice to him.  And that she wouldn't like it if he told her to be quiet, etc. etc.  Apparently, my explanations haven't landed on deaf ears.  The other day as we were driving, I was talking to Jonas and saying something to the effect of not being fond of his latest talking ability and quickly Addison told me "He just talking' Momma, he just talkin'"  Hmmm....pwn'd by my child yet again.  At least I'm relieved she is actually listening to what I say.  Most days it doesn't seem like it.

Oh and another funny thing about Addison....  The other day we were shopping in Wal-mart and I was checking out toys for her upcoming birthday party.  As we were leaving the aisle she came running up to me asking me if we could stay.....and told me she had to "check her email" really quick.  Whuh?  So, of course, I had to oblige and wait on her to check her email.  So many pressing duties in the life of a 2 year old eh?


She Loves The Color Pink said...

That picture of her with her arms out is the cutest thing! It will be so fun to see these pictures when she grows up!