And so the life of crime begins at two years old....sigh. ;-)
If you see me being hauled away in the paddy-wagon just know it was Addison's fault. Two days ago we were in Target and I happened across clearance galore. I was in heaven. I started digging for my bargains while Addison started jabbering and asking me a billion questions every 3 seconds. Remember, I'm not good at multi-tasking. And I love me some clearance. So, lets just say I wasn't the most patient Mommy that day.
Apparently, for the two minutes she decided to not jabber, she was busy stuffing things into the back pocket of my diaper bag. Yep, the one I NEVER check or get into. On our way to check-out, I remember asking her what happened to the shirt we had picked out for her. She had no clue where it went. I figured she'd probably dropped it in an aisle somewhere and thought nothing of it as we picked up another one to replace it.
Two days later I find it. Crammed into the diaper bag pocket with some gardening wire that I had completely forgot about. It all comes flooding back to me now. I'm a shoplifter. And it's my child's fault. Time to fess up and head back to Target I guess.
As a disclaimer, I am 99.9% sure she had no ill intentions or even a clue as to what she was doing. So, if there is time to be served, I will serve it. ;-) I took a few minutes to try and explain how that was "stealing" and it wasn't good to do. How exactly do you explain stealing to a two-year old who didn't have any clue what she was doing? I guess it's time to figure it out. And apparently it's also time to do a diaper bag check upon leaving any/all stores.
She did the crime. I'll do the time. And it'll make for a funny story as she gets older. Lets hope Target thinks it's equally as funny as we do. ;-)
3 weeks ago
This story is so funny--especially with the angelic picture of Addison at the top. I'm glad Target was smoothed over by Addison's good looks and charm :)
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