Thursday, May 31, 2012

Old Dog. Same Tricks.

And they still aren't working - go figure.
For my devoted blog readers (aka my favorite people) you may have remembered this blog post about a certain "Devil Fly".  It was quite the ordeal and experience.  

As it turns out, the flies have returned and so has my lack of sanity.  I've determined we can't coexist without one of us losing their life - and I'd rather it be them.  Which is why I've yet again tried to come up with a creative way of making them die.   Insert evidence A & B your honor:

Am I the only one who has tried the old "Clear Packing Tape on Trash Can Covered in Honey" trick?  If so, don't do it - it doesn't work.  However, it made sense since my minutes of observation concluded that they land on the trash can all the time, they like sweet things, why not honey ON a trash can?  Makes sense right?  Actually, it just makes a mess.  Which is why I also decided to attempt the "bubble soap in a yellow dish" method.  It's common knowledge that flies prefer yellow over any other color folks.  Seriously, thats what I've been told by Pinterest.  And the same people also told me that they like to taste the sweet bubble soap and DIE.  However, scenario B didn't work either.  

So, all I made was a mess and sat and watched it while the flies flew around it and mocked me.  I guess worse case scenario I could have saved myself some time and actually picked up a fly swatter and killed them.  Or, perhaps actually take out the stinky trash?  Nah, that's not fun enough.  Death to the flies.  The End.