Okay so I know I pretend to be disgusted that I was tagged into responding on this thingy - but secretly I feel popular as a result of the tag. I've seen things like this on several other blogs but sadly none tagged me - and I can't fill it out if I haven't officially been tagged right??? So, alas my day has arrived and here we go... (A special thanks to Sarah for making me feel so loved and popular).
1. Family - as in my own little family consisting of John and I. It's fun to be all grown up and married. I couldn't ask for a better husband or best friend than I have in John. I'm spoiled and I love it.
2. Family - as in extended. I'm blessed with a wonderful family. Both the ones I grew up with and the ones I married into. How lucky can one girl get? I know I'm a favorite to both sides and I love that too. :D
3. Travel - I love any/all travel. Preferably outside the country. Pre-marriage I enjoyed a backpacking trip across Europe with my cousin and it was a dream vacation. Post-marriage we've had several trips that are just as fun. Whether they be to Utah, the east coast, or just down the street. I love to get away and enjoy other places. However, coming home is always a welcome site as well.
1. Frogs - Yes random I'm aware but I am utterly afraid of them (in addition to any slimy creatures, slugs, worms, snakes, etc.) Don't get me wrong - frogs are cute from a distance - I just don't want them to touch me. Thus when I see them I frantically spaz out to scare them away while calming myself down.
2. Death - Well technically I'm not afraid or terrified of death for that matter. But I am afraid of it taking my loved ones before I'm ready to part with them - which technically i'm NEVER ready to part with them. I miss the ones that aren't with me any longer and get scared when I think about the day that others will leave too soon. I try not to dwell on it too long because it makes me sad.
3. Childbirth - Technically I'm not close to this yet but I do fear the pain that comes with it. I don't do well with pain. I'm a whiner - just ask John. Granted any amount of pain is worth it when you welcome a new little baby to the world. However, it doesn't stop me from asking 20 questions to each woman that recently experienced labor. (Sidenote: A big congrats to the McKasson family and their new little one!!) I'm prepping myself for the big day and exploring my options as to how I could alleviate my pain. Epidural is a wonderful word from what I hear.
1. To be a wonderful wife to John. I'm lucky to have such a wonderful husband and thus work hard to be just as wonderful to him. He's good to remind me that I'm succeeding at this even when I feel inadequate at times.
2. To learn how to love exercise and successfully maintain my dream weight. I'm sure I'm not alone in this goal. I have to learn to resign myself to a life of daily exercise and eating healthy (er) - It will never be acheived, celebrated, and done. Boo to those of you that don't have to live with this daily battle.
3. To be a mom. I've always dreamed of this being the ultimate career. When people would talk about what they wanted to do when they grew up - I'd just sit and dream of being a mom. It was really one of the few things that I felt I had a passion for. Granted, I managed to school myself in a few other areas/hobbies as I waited for the opportunity to come along. And no announcements here by the way. This is a future goal still.
1. T.V. - Sadly I'm a devoted supporter of the big boob tube. I pride myself on my persistence to find something/anything to watch - instead of resorting to doing something productive. It's not something I'm proud of - but it is fun. I like watching the junk tv - most any and all reality shows (don't ask me why), the TLC channel, and the Food Network. There is something fascinating about watching other people cook food with their pre-measured ingredients.
2. Lotion - I have to have it nearby no matter where I go. I strategically place it in all my frequented areas. Everyday I apply lotion atleast 3x's to my hands. I hate dry skin and love hydrating myself. I fret if we are going/visiting somewhere and there is no hope of having lotion on my journey or at my destination.
3. Blogs - My latest addiction is reading blogs and posting on ours. I've never been much of a journal writer all my life. I have random scraps of documented personal history from my college and high school days. However, with the invention of the blog, it gives me a wonderful opportunity to document our lives for our descendants. Plus, it's fun to read other peoples blogs. It's like finding/reading somebody's journal - SO ADDICTING!
1. I was attacked by monkeys at a young age. They've always been my favorite animal and still remain so even after the attacking. Long story short, my sis Michelle and I were holding precious animal food at an Exotic Animal Paradise. We were playing in the park area at the main entrance (yes meant for humans NOT monkeys) and there were some loose monkeys that came after us and our food. It took some coercing from both the monkeys and our mother before we relinquished our food to the crazy but cute animals.
2. I hate feet. Yes most of you know this already but it's still true. I spent my whole life in fear of everyone's feet touching me. I didn't mind for others to touch mine but their's touching me was just nasty. My family was convinced I'd marry someone that didn't have feet. However, you'll be glad to hear that John does have both of his feet and I don't mind them one bit. They are actually kinda cute. Yes, that's how I knew it was true love.
3. I love laughing....both at/with other people. Not the kind of "courtesy laugh" you give/get just being nice to someone that isn't funny. The deep belly laughter that surprises both you and those surrounding you when someone/something is being funny. I used to think I was sarcastic but I've been told that it's more of a witty, and dry sense of humor that keeps me in stitches. This is another reason I married John. I refused to marry anybody that couldn't make me laugh. I told him this in the beginning - it was a priority of mine. Luckily it was his too and now here we are....sometimes laughing at each other but mostly laughing with each other.
Phew....that was a LONG post. Well there you have it - a brief look into my brain. Enjoy!! And I now tag......Michelle, Colton, and Cassie. Michelle - so she'll finally update her BLOG!! Colton, because I care. And Cassie - so she'll get with the program and finally get a BLOG!! Ahem....I'm done now. :D
4 weeks ago
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